Order and Payment:

  1. All orders must be placed in writing (via email, online form, etc.) and must include a clear description of the request as well as any relevant information.
  2. The prices listed in the price list are in euros (€) and are subject to change without notice.
  3. Payment must be made in full before the commencement of the order, unless otherwise agreed upon.
  4. The accepted payment methods are PayPal and SumUp. Payment instructions will be provided upon order confirmation.
  5. All transaction and currency conversion fees will be the responsibility of the buyer.


  1. The artist retains the copyright of all created works, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
  2. The buyer obtains a personal and non-exclusive license to use the works, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
  3. Commercial use of the works (resale, use in a product or publication, etc.) requires prior written permission and may be subject to additional fees.

Shipping and Modification :

  1. Delivery times will be agreed upon at the time of the order and may vary depending on the artist's workload.
  2. The final delivery of any digital artwork will be done via a WeTransfer link or email, unless otherwise agreed upon.
  3. For all traditional artwork, delivery will be done via tracked mail.
  4. Shipping costs will be charged separately and will depend on the destination and weight of the shipment.
  5. The artist will make every effort to carefully package the artwork to ensure its protection during transport, but cannot be held responsible for damages caused by the carrier.
  6. Minor modifications may be requested after receiving traditional art, subject to the artist's approval. Major modifications may incur additional charges.

Cancel and Refund:

  1. Orders may be canceled by the buyer before the commencement of the order. Any payment made will be refunded, minus any administrative fees.
  2. In the event of cancellation after the commencement of the order, no refund will be granted unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

Responsability :

  1. The artist commits to providing quality work and accommodating reasonable requests from the buyer.
  2. The buyer is responsible for providing clear and precise instructions for the execution of the order.
  3. The artist cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage, or harm resulting from the use or interpretation of the artworks.
  4. Anyone placing an order affirms to be over 18 years old. In case of doubt, the artist has the right to request proof of the buyer's age. In the absence of proof or if the customer refuses to provide it, this will result in a refusal of sale.
  5. For any order, the artist reserves the right to refuse certain themes or designs if they do not feel comfortable or capable of creating them.

Confidentialité :

All information provided by the buyer as part of the order will be treated confidentially and will not be disclosed to third parties without prior authorization.

Loi applicable et litiges :

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use are governed by the laws of the country in which the artist operates (France).

In the event of a dispute, the parties will endeavor to find an amicable solution. In the absence of an agreement, any dispute related to these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of the artist's place of residence.

By placing an order, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted these general terms and conditions of sale and use. These conditions may be amended at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to stay informed.

Privacy Policy

General Provisions

1. Data Controller, in accordance with the GDPR, is:

Sanglier Marissa (Alias Zataas),

identification number (SIRET) 90949104500011,

based in Haguenau ( 67 Alsace France) 

2.The contact details of the data controller are:

e-mail : Zataas@outlook.fr
Phone: 06 2678 97 55;

3. "Personal data" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

The source of personal data

1. The data controller processes personal data after obtaining the consent of the client. Personal data is collected during the conclusion of the purchase contract and during the execution of the order placed on the boutique website.

2.The data controller processes only the contact details and information necessary to identify the client, which are required for the execution of the purchase contract.

3. The data controller processes personal data for accounting and delivery purposes and to enable necessary communication between the contracting parties during the period required by law. Personal data will not be made public or transferred abroad.

The purpose of data processing

The data controller processes personal data for the following purposes:

1. Registration on this website in accordance with Chapter IV, Section 2 of the RGPD;

2. The execution of the order created by the client (name, surname, postal address, email address, phone number)

3. To comply with laws and regulations arising from the contractual relationship between the data controller and the client.

4. Personal data is necessary for the execution of the purchase contract. The contract cannot be executed without personal data.

The retention period of personal data

1.The data controller only retains personal data for the duration necessary to fulfill the rights and obligations arising from the contractual relationship between the data controller and the client. The data is kept for 3 years from the conclusion of the contract.;

2. The data controller is obligated to erase personal data after the expiration of the retention periods provided by law.

Recipient and subcontractor of personal data

Any third party processing personal data on behalf of the data controller becomes a data subprocessor. The subprocessor's services are essential for the execution of the purchase contract and the processing of the order placed by the client on behalf of the data controller.

Subcontractors of the data controller are:

  • Webnode AG ;
  • Shipping society;
  • Google Analytics ;

Customer Rights

According to the Regulation, the client has the following rights: :

1. Right to access to their data;

2. Right to rectify data;

3. Right to erasure of data;

4. Right to object to data processing;

5. Right to data portability;

6. Right to withdraw consent to data processing by sending an email to the address available on the contact page;

7. Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in case of alleged violation of the Regulation.

Security of personal data

1. The data controller declares to have implemented all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure that the use of personal data respects the privacy of the individuals concerned.;

2. The data controller has implemented all necessary technical measures to ensure the security of the data collected, including securing access to their computer with a password, using antivirus software, and performing regular maintenance on the computer.

Final Provisions

1. By placing an order on the website [...], the customer acknowledges having read and fully accepts the conditions regarding the protection of personal data.;

2. The customer accepts all these conditions by checking the corresponding box located on the order form.;

3. The data controller reserves the right to update and modify these terms at any time and without notice. The latest version of these terms will be published on their website..

These rules will come into effect on November 18, 2023.